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Thursday 24 January 2013

I dare you.

"Only in spontaneity can we be who we truly are."
Spontaneity. What does that word even mean? To be spontaneous for some people might mean ordering a different type of coffee on their way to work while others may consider skydiving or bungee jumping an act of spontaneity. To be spontaneous is to be courageous and I may not be the most adventurous, dare devilish person in the world but I love the feeling that being spontaneous brings.
The movies make it look oh so easy! Asking that one special person out to dinner for the first time or going on a worldwide holiday just happens like magic on the big screen. Get real! To be spontaneous you have to be your true self and I completely agree with that, I have known people that were so comfortable with who they are and what they do that they live a life of spontaneity and steer their lives in the direction they want to go. Wouldn't that be absolutely wonderful! It can be done! I think we all need to remind ourselves everyday (from the mouth of the wise Dr Seuss) that you must always be yourself because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.   I know some people think this is never going to happen and it is hard work to be the true you, but to do something completely out of the ordinary, completely insane for just one moment is THE most incredible feeling.
Being spontaneous has had the most amazing results for me but of course there are times when due to doubt, fear and that negative little voice inside my head I have missed out on some of the greatest opportunities life has thrown my way. So this year 'be spontaneous' is my New Year’s resolution and I plan to start living every second of this wonderful gift of life.
So next time you search the movies playing at the local cinema and can't decide between the two? Pick both. If you walk past a bunch of wild flowers, put a few on a random doorstep. When you glance longingly up at that poster of Greece scrawled across your wall. Book some flights. I know its easier said than done but if you have the chance to do something fantastic and spontaneous and that feeling of fear or doubt is keeping you from it. Find that adventurous part of you and do it. Just once. It may take months, years, gosh even decades! But if you find it inside yourself to be spontaneous, completely mad and out of the ordinary for just one moment, trust me, you'll love yourself for it and find a whole new side to you along the way.
So go on have dessert before dinner.
 I dare you.


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